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mercury Tag

Solvent-induced Bipolar Disorder

By Janet Settle MD

In this post, I’m reporting on the journal article by Adrienne Sprouse MD, et al. Organic Solvent-induced Bipolar Disorder: A Case Report. Advances in Mind/Body Medicine. 2013;27(3):19-23.

Summary: This is the first literature report of new onset type 1 bipolar disorder linked to industrial solvent exposure. This 43 year-old man with a three year history of bipolar disorder, type 1, presented with memory complaints, severe insomnia and auditory hallucinations. On exam: depressed mood and affect, religious delusions, irritability, auditory hallucinations, grandiosity. He was monosyllabic with severely delayed speech so his wife and mother were the primary historians. His symptoms worsened through the week and improved on weekends and vacations. He had no personal or family history of psychiatric illness and had previously been high functioning and productive. His occupation was textile printing using petroleum based dyes and organic solvents. He owned and managed his own printing plant. Meds at intake: lithium carbonate 1650 mg, clonazepam 0.75 mg, Benedryl 25 mg, armour thyroid 90 mg, melatonin 2.5 mg, DHEA 25 mg.